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A day made of glass - The near future

Have you ever heard about photovoltaic glass? You don’t have to open your curtains anymore! You thought we had already all formats and thicknesses? It’s ultra-thin and as a frameless design. Its great quality and overwhelming. Thanks to the architectural display glass you are able to keep in touch with everyone around you, even in the bathroom. Email and text people while you are brushing your teeth.Thanks to the architectural surface glass you can cook very efficient while watching the news.Ever heard about flexible display glass?You really have to watch this video. It’s amazing. Watch your day in 2020.

Wearables for the win !

Things get older. The smartphone and tablet revolution is wearing off. The technology industry tries to figure out what the next hype will be. 


And the answer is: wearable devices. 


Wearables can be anything. From fitness trackers, smart glasses, smartwatches, clothing with embedded sensors, to tattoos and even ingestible pills. These pills collect data and information while they are making their way through our bodies. 

They are not ment to replace smartphones. They just work as satellite devices that collect data or relay notifications. 

If these devices have screens, they can be used for some mobile apps.


Big companies and ambitious startups know what they are doing when they are working on their own wearable designs. They are able to do that because the barrier to entry is low because of the cheap sensors & the excited crowdfunding! 

But mass adaption would be more realistic if existing mobile operating systems like Android or Apple. It's easier to tweak their existing files than to write new ones. 


But wearables are still a big bet, a big risk. It will cause a lot of failures. 
Gownder (Forrester Research) predicts that 80% to 90% of current wearables will fail. 


Do you believe this will actually be reality in a few years?


I thought that when I read about the Google Glass. It started as an unrealistic, futuristic product and is now an overhyped gadget and it's still growing its popularity. 


ABI Research says that 90 million wearable devices will ship around the world this year already (2014). Sports, fitness, wellness devices and later healthcare technology are the first successfull stories.

Sport and related wearable devices are a successfull combination because their  features and benefits are clear.

For example: The addition of a screen can save the wearer the search for their smartphone.

One day, a wearable device might confirm your unique walk or heartbeat and act as a form of unique identification, similar to a fingerprint sensor. When you walk into a store, it could transmit information about your size and clothing preferences to a beacon, and when you walk out it could charge you automatically. But his can be abused by some marketeers. 

Anyway, w
earables can be the future.
For now, the smartwatches are just

the first baby steps.











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